Fit Escape is an annual official Kangoo Jumps® fitness project at variety of locations around the world. Created by Tatjana Sperber – Kangoo Jumps Presenter and mentor from Germany – and Agnese Bluma – Kangoo Jumps Presenter and Distributor from the UK.
At Fit Escape we offer PRO level Kangoo Jumps® Fitness Programs and other activities/games twice a day, session about KJ products and their maintenance, super friendly atmosphere and a never-ending fun. You will leave positively charged with an extra high endorphin level. Our aim is to give you an unforgettable feeling while you escape from your daily routine.
Everyone is Welcome
All countries, all nationalities, no matter your age and workplace.
However, only genuine KJ rebound shoes are accepted to be used #trusttheoriginal
Join us for a unique experience that combines fun and fitness in the heart of a picturesque destination. Guaranteed to meet and bond with like-minded people.